Scalable And

Making a Difference

A Nationwide Movement

OneGoal has grown from a small afterschool program serving just 32 students in Chicago to a nationwide movement that will serve some 13,000 in six communities by the end of the 2018/19 school year.

The 2018/19 School Year*




*This information reflects current numbers and recruitment projections for the 2018-2019 school year.

The Results






of OneGoal high school graduates
enroll in a postsecondary institution


of those who enroll
persist one year later

The Research


A University of Chicago evaluation led by Tim Kautz and Wladimir Zanoni, and advised by Nobel Laureate James Heckman found:


  1. OneGoal increases college enrollment and college persistence rates by 10 to 20 percentage points.
  2. OneGoal improves high school academic indicators including ACT scores, number of credits accumulated, GPA, and absences.
  3. Growth in non-cognitive skill development is a factor in the positive college outcomes for OneGoal Fellows.
  4. Non-cognitive skills can be measured using school administrative data.


Read the executive summary
Download the report

The Research

Why This Matters


This research is incredibly exciting because it proves tenets of our approach:


  1. It is possible to change the life trajectory of students with a relatively short, late-adolescent intervention that is both high impact and low cost.
  2. Students benefit significantly from the opportunity to build their non-cognitive skills—academic behaviors, skills, and mindsets—along with time to reflect and assess their individual progress.
  3. Students currently underrepresented on college campuses—students from urban districts, students from low-income communities, students of color, students who are middle- and low-performing in high school—can succeed with the right support.

Why This Matters

“I'm thrilled by this study of OneGoal for two reasons. First, this sort of rigorous evaluation is practically unprecedented—and it provides a stellar model for the evaluation of other programs aimed at improving youth outcomes. Second, the results are tremendously encouraging and suggest the power of innovative programs and committed individuals in the community to change lives.”

Angela Duckworth
Founder and CEO of Character Lab
2013 MacArthur Genius Fellow
Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Psychology
Author of "Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance